Sunday Thoughts Debanjana Ghatak

Never give up, Keep moving

Dear Youth,
You might be thinking that your life ends here. There is no one to care for you or listen to your heart’s cry. You might be thinking that you are misfit to the society you live in. People around you are smart and knowledgeable but you are not. You might be willing to give up hope as the world is too busy with its own problem so your problems are too petite for it to solve. You might feel like an adopted child as sometimes your parents behave strangely which you can’t figure out.
My friend, you are not the only one who feel like these.  Everyone sometime in his/her life feel neglected exactly the way you are feeling today but that doesn’t mean your life ends here. May be no one is listening to you or not showing you the right path, no problem, you rise up and be your own guide. Don’t wait for someone to come and lend you a helping hand. You help yourself and choose the right path. I know it become very hard when sometimes your parents don’t listen to you and you can’t make them understand what exactly you are going thorough but that doesn’t mean you will give up. You set up your own goal, start achieving all the targets and you will find many people waiting to help but you have to take the first move.
You will fail may not be just once but many times but if you stick to it you will see the ray of success in your life. You need to have a motto in your life and follow it throughout. People around you will try to manipulate your brain with their own ideas, they might demotivate you too but you have to take an oath that you will never give up no matter what people say to you. Trust yourself and follow your dreams. Never stop dreaming your dreams because this’ll help you to achieve your ultimate aim in your life. If you feel low, depressed and want to give up just open Google and read the life history of any successful man or woman then you will find that how much hardship and dedication they had to take before reaching to the height of success.
Never have negative feelings about yourself. Your relatives, friends, siblings or even parents might say that you can’t do it, don’t accept it but take these words as a challenge and prove them wrong. Never stop listening to the inaudible words spoken by your heart, it’ll neither betray you nor will lead you astray. Life is short and it’s yours so live fullest and be happy. Don’t handover the key of happiness to another person’s hand. It’s your life so lead in your own terms and never give up. Life is our teacher, it teaches us many things. It’ll sometimes bask you in the glory of success and sometime it will make you feel worst but that is the moment when you have to rise up and move on and show the world that you have never learnt to give up but to rise and face every challenge coming your way.
Friend always remember one thing that life will not always be a piece of cake which you can achieve or master easily. Sometimes you have to skate on thin ice to earn a glorious future. You are the future so stand erect, think positive and move on. Dear, the world will stop you but you must answer the call of your own heart.
ফেসবুক দিয়ে আপনার মন্তব্য করুন
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